Title: | Advanced Response Surface Analysis |
Description: | Provides tools for response surface analysis, using a comparative framework that identifies best-fitting solutions across 37 families of polynomials. Many of these tools are based upon and extend the 'RSA' package, by testing a larger scope of polynomials (+27 families), more diverse response surface probing techniques (+acceleration points), more plots (+line of congruence, +line of incongruence, both with extrema), and other useful functions for exporting results. |
Authors: | Fernando Núñez-Regueiro [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Fernando Núñez-Regueiro <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-17 05:06:51 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/RSAtools |
Compares any number of predefined or user-specific polynomial models and extracts their fit indices, thereby establishing best-fitting solutions.
best.rsa(RSA_object, order = c("wAIC", "R2adj"), robust = TRUE)
best.rsa(RSA_object, order = c("wAIC", "R2adj"), robust = TRUE)
RSA_object |
x an object of class "RSA_object" generated by RSAmodel() |
order |
Single or vector of fit indices used to determine best-fitting polynomial families. The output matrix is ordered based on this fit index |
robust |
Should robust fit indices should be extracted? (default= TRUE) |
This function compares models based on information-theoretic criteria and statistical tests. The cubic saturated polynomial provides a benchmark reference for fit, against which predefined polynomial families (37 to date) or user-specific variants of these families are compared for absolute fit (likelihood ratio test), parsimony (wAIC), explained variance (adjusted R2), and ordinary SEM criteria (e.g., CFI, TLI, RMSEA, SRMR).
A table containing fit indices for each model
#####ESTIMATE RSA OBJECT RSA_step1 <- RSAmodel(engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("CUBIC","FM8_INCONG","FM9_INCONG","FM20_ASYMCONG", "FM21_ASYMCONG","FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")) ##### COMPARE POLYNOMIAL FAMILIES FROM THE RSA OBJECT RSA_step1_fit <- best.rsa(RSA_step1,order=c("wAIC")) names(RSA_step1$models) #Inspect best-fitting family model summary(RSA_step1$models$FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK)
#####ESTIMATE RSA OBJECT RSA_step1 <- RSAmodel(engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("CUBIC","FM8_INCONG","FM9_INCONG","FM20_ASYMCONG", "FM21_ASYMCONG","FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")) ##### COMPARE POLYNOMIAL FAMILIES FROM THE RSA OBJECT RSA_step1_fit <- best.rsa(RSA_step1,order=c("wAIC")) names(RSA_step1$models) #Inspect best-fitting family model summary(RSA_step1$models$FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK)
Compare two polynomial models, for example to test parametric constraints in STEP2 of the 3-step identification strategy (see RSAmodel
best.rsa2(RSA_object, m1, m2, order = c("wAIC"), robust = TRUE)
best.rsa2(RSA_object, m1, m2, order = c("wAIC"), robust = TRUE)
RSA_object |
x an object of class "RSA_object" generated by RSAmodel() |
m1 |
First model to be compared (contained in RSA_object$models) |
m2 |
Second model to be compared (contained in RSA_object$models) |
order |
Fit index used to determine best-fitting model. |
robust |
A boolean stating whether robust fit indices should be extracted (default= TRUE) |
A table containing fit indices for each model
##### Test a variant within a family (e.g., FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK) ##Define variant as constraints list_variant <- list() list_variant[["variant1"]] <- c(' ####First-order polynomials: variant-specific b1 == -1/4*b2 ####Second-order polynomials: variant-specific b5 == b3/2 b4 == 0 ####Third-order polynomials: FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK b6 == 0 b7 == 0 b9 == b8/-3 ') RSA_NSfit <- RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK","USER"), user_model= list_variant) ##Compare variant to best-fitting family (e.g., LRT_pvalue p > .05) best.rsa2(RSA_NSfit,m1="variant1",m2="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")[2,1:3]
##### Test a variant within a family (e.g., FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK) ##Define variant as constraints list_variant <- list() list_variant[["variant1"]] <- c(' ####First-order polynomials: variant-specific b1 == -1/4*b2 ####Second-order polynomials: variant-specific b5 == b3/2 b4 == 0 ####Third-order polynomials: FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK b6 == 0 b7 == 0 b9 == b8/-3 ') RSA_NSfit <- RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK","USER"), user_model= list_variant) ##Compare variant to best-fitting family (e.g., LRT_pvalue p > .05) best.rsa2(RSA_NSfit,m1="variant1",m2="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")[2,1:3]
Utilitary function to export bootstrapped parameters, as part of STEP3 of the 3-step identification strategy (see RSAmodel
Utilitary function to export bootstrapped parameters
RSAbootstrap_object |
A matrix output generated by lavaan: |
A table of mean values and 95
###### Export 95% CI of bootstrapped estimates of polynomial #Estimate a model: FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK (simulation data) RSA_NSfit <- RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")) #Bootstrapped sampling with lavaan RSA_NSfit_boot <- lavaan::bootstrapLavaan(RSA_NSfit$models$FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK, R= 10,FUN="coef") #Export results in a table RSA_NSfit_boot_exp <- exportRSA.bootstrap(RSA_NSfit_boot) RSA_NSfit_boot_exp
###### Export 95% CI of bootstrapped estimates of polynomial #Estimate a model: FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK (simulation data) RSA_NSfit <- RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")) #Bootstrapped sampling with lavaan RSA_NSfit_boot <- lavaan::bootstrapLavaan(RSA_NSfit$models$FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK, R= 10,FUN="coef") #Export results in a table RSA_NSfit_boot_exp <- exportRSA.bootstrap(RSA_NSfit_boot) RSA_NSfit_boot_exp
Utilitary function to easily export fit indices of polynomial models (predefined or user-specific), including their proper theoretical names (for predefined polynomial families) and the fit indices used for comparison.
RSAcompare_object |
A list generated by |
A table of fit indices and names of polynomial families or user model
Identify reversal or acceleration points (generically called "extrema") in the LOC or LOIC of the response surface and test how many of them have outcome observations that significantly differ from what would be expected for predictor combinations on these points (that have the same level)
ident.ext( RSA_object, model = NULL, acceleration = c(0, 0), alpha = 0.05, z_tested = "observed", alphacorrection = "none", n_sample = NULL, verbose = TRUE, df_out = FALSE )
ident.ext( RSA_object, model = NULL, acceleration = c(0, 0), alpha = 0.05, z_tested = "observed", alphacorrection = "none", n_sample = NULL, verbose = TRUE, df_out = FALSE )
RSA_object |
An RSA object |
model |
The model to be probed for extrema (reversal or acceleration points) |
acceleration |
Rates of accelerations along the LOC and LOIC to be inspected (0< abs(rate) < 1). Acceleration points will only appear if reversals do not exist, and if acceleration rates exist (if not, a warning will appear). |
alpha |
Alpha level for the one-sided confidence interval of the outcome predictions on the extrema |
z_tested |
Should significance tests be conducted on "observed" or "predicted" observation |
alphacorrection |
Set "Bonferroni" to adjust the alpha level for multiple testing when testing the outcome predictions of all data points behind the extrema |
n_sample |
Number of random draws to consider to find extrema. This option is used for large samples to increase speed in preliminary analyses, but it is not recommended for published results). Defaults to NULL. |
verbose |
Should extra information be printed? |
df_out |
Number of random draws to consider to find extrema. This option is used for large samples to increase speed in preliminary analyses, but it is not recommended for published results). Defaults to NULL. |
When testing for reversals or accelerations in nonlinear response surfaces involving quadratic or cubic polynomial families (FM4 to FM37), the RSAextrema
function helps to determine the exact location of reversal or acceleration points along the lines of congruenc (LOC) or incongruence (LOIC), and the number and percentage of observations significantly affected by these reversals or accelerations (for a given probability level, alpha). This points are determined according to derivatives of the function according to rationales for combining polynomials (Núñez-Regueiro & Juhel, 2022, 2024).
A table containing the location and percentages of observations above or below extrema
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2022). Model-Building Strategies in Response Surface Analysis Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2024). Response Surface Analysis for the Social Sciences II: Combinatory Rationales for Complex Polynomial Models Manuscript submitted for publication.
Plots the response surface of an RSA object along the lines of congruence (LOC) and incongruence (LOIC), while indicating the location of reversal or acceleration points in the surface (when they exist).
plotting.ext( RSA_object, model, acceleration = c(0, 0), n_sample = 100, names_xLOC = NULL, names_xLOIC = NULL, names_z = NULL, xlim = NULL, zlim = NULL, e_label = NULL, text_size = 1, elabel_size = 5, e_size = 3 )
plotting.ext( RSA_object, model, acceleration = c(0, 0), n_sample = 100, names_xLOC = NULL, names_xLOIC = NULL, names_z = NULL, xlim = NULL, zlim = NULL, e_label = NULL, text_size = 1, elabel_size = 5, e_size = 3 )
RSA_object |
An RSA object |
model |
The model to be probed for extrema (reversal or acceleration points) |
acceleration |
Rates of accelerations along the LOC and LOIC to be inspected (0< |rate| < 1). Passed on internally to |
n_sample |
Number of random draws to consider to find extrema. This option is used for large samples to increase speed in preliminary analyses, but it is not recommended for published results). Passed on internally to |
names_xLOC |
Label of x axis on the LOC plot. |
names_xLOIC |
Label of x axis on the LOIC plot. |
names_z |
Label of z axis (outcome). |
xlim |
Limits of the x axis |
zlim |
Limits of the z axis |
e_label |
If "none", no coordinates are projected. Defaults to NULL. |
text_size |
Text size for titles and labels. |
elabel_size |
Text size for extrema coordinates. |
e_size |
Point size of extrema. |
The lines of congruence (LOC) and incongruence (LOIC) are fundamental to RSA applications. This function allows plotting the response along the LOC and LOIC, thus offering a more precise visualization of the response surface (as a complement to 3d or 2d projections provided by RSAplot
). The location of reversal or acceleration points can be provided with x-y-z coordinales or without them (e_label='none').
A list of plot of the lines of congruence (LOC) and incongruence (LOIC)
######PLOT EXTREMA OVER LOC AND LOIC EXTsim <- plotting.ext(RSA_step1,model="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK", xlim=c(-3,3),zlim=c(-3,3),acceleration=c(0,-0.3), text_size=0.7,elabel_size=3,e_size=2) ggpubr::ggarrange(EXTsim[["LOC"]], EXTsim[["LOIC"]], labels = c("A. Response over LOC", "B. Response over LOIC"), nrow=1,ncol=2,font.label = list(size = 11))
######PLOT EXTREMA OVER LOC AND LOIC EXTsim <- plotting.ext(RSA_step1,model="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK", xlim=c(-3,3),zlim=c(-3,3),acceleration=c(0,-0.3), text_size=0.7,elabel_size=3,e_size=2) ggpubr::ggarrange(EXTsim[["LOC"]], EXTsim[["LOIC"]], labels = c("A. Response over LOC", "B. Response over LOIC"), nrow=1,ncol=2,font.label = list(size = 11))
Plots the response surface of a model based on polynomial families (37 families), saturated polynomials, or user-specific polynomials.
plotting.rsaCOEF( x = 0, y = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, xy = 0, w = 0, wx = 0, wy = 0, x3 = 0, xy2 = 0, x2y = 0, y3 = 0, b0 = 0, type = "3d", model = "CUBIC", acceleration = c(0, 0), FAST = TRUE, n_sample = 100, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, main = "", surface = "predict", lambda = NULL, suppress.surface = FALSE, suppress.box = FALSE, suppress.grid = FALSE, suppress.ticklabels = FALSE, rotation = list(x = -63, y = 32, z = 15), label.rotation = list(x = 19, y = -40, z = 92), gridsize = 21, bw = FALSE, legend = TRUE, param = TRUE, coefs = FALSE, axes = c("LOC", "LOIC", "r1_LOC", "r2_LOC", "r1_LOIC", "r2_LOIC", "a1_LOC", "a2_LOC", "a1_LOIC", "a2_LOIC"), axesStyles = list(LOC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "blue")), LOIC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "blue")), PA1 = list(lty = "dotted", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "gray30")), PA2 = list(lty = "dotted", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "gray30")), r1_LOC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), r2_LOC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), r1_LOIC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red")), r2_LOIC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red")), a1_LOC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), a2_LOC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), a1_LOIC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red")), a2_LOIC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red"))), project = c("contour"), maxlines = FALSE, cex.tickLabel = 1, cex.axesLabel = 1, cex.main = 1, points = list(data = NULL, n_random = NULL, show = NA, value = "raw", jitter = 0, color = "black", cex = 0.5, out.mark = FALSE), fit = NULL, link = "identity", tck = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), distance = c(1.3, 1.3, 1.4), border = FALSE, contour = list(show = FALSE, color = "grey40", highlight = c()), hull = NA, showSP = FALSE, showSP.CI = FALSE, pal = NULL, pal.range = "box", pad = 0, claxes.alpha = 0.05, demo = FALSE, ... ) plotting.rsa(x, ...)
plotting.rsaCOEF( x = 0, y = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, xy = 0, w = 0, wx = 0, wy = 0, x3 = 0, xy2 = 0, x2y = 0, y3 = 0, b0 = 0, type = "3d", model = "CUBIC", acceleration = c(0, 0), FAST = TRUE, n_sample = 100, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, main = "", surface = "predict", lambda = NULL, suppress.surface = FALSE, suppress.box = FALSE, suppress.grid = FALSE, suppress.ticklabels = FALSE, rotation = list(x = -63, y = 32, z = 15), label.rotation = list(x = 19, y = -40, z = 92), gridsize = 21, bw = FALSE, legend = TRUE, param = TRUE, coefs = FALSE, axes = c("LOC", "LOIC", "r1_LOC", "r2_LOC", "r1_LOIC", "r2_LOIC", "a1_LOC", "a2_LOC", "a1_LOIC", "a2_LOIC"), axesStyles = list(LOC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "blue")), LOIC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "blue")), PA1 = list(lty = "dotted", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "gray30")), PA2 = list(lty = "dotted", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "gray30")), r1_LOC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), r2_LOC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), r1_LOIC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red")), r2_LOIC = list(lty = "solid", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red")), a1_LOC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), a2_LOC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "green")), a1_LOIC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red")), a2_LOIC = list(lty = "twodash", lwd = 2, col = ifelse(bw == TRUE, "black", "red"))), project = c("contour"), maxlines = FALSE, cex.tickLabel = 1, cex.axesLabel = 1, cex.main = 1, points = list(data = NULL, n_random = NULL, show = NA, value = "raw", jitter = 0, color = "black", cex = 0.5, out.mark = FALSE), fit = NULL, link = "identity", tck = c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), distance = c(1.3, 1.3, 1.4), border = FALSE, contour = list(show = FALSE, color = "grey40", highlight = c()), hull = NA, showSP = FALSE, showSP.CI = FALSE, pal = NULL, pal.range = "box", pad = 0, claxes.alpha = 0.05, demo = FALSE, ... ) plotting.rsa(x, ...)
x |
Either an RSA object (returned by the |
y |
Y coefficient |
x2 |
X^2 coefficient |
y2 |
Y^2 coefficient |
xy |
XY interaction coefficient |
w |
W coefficient (for (un)constrained absolute difference model) |
wx |
WX coefficient (for (un)constrained absolute difference model) |
wy |
WY coefficient (for (un)constrained absolute difference model) |
x3 |
X^3 coefficient |
xy2 |
XY^2 coefficient |
x2y |
X^2Y coefficient |
y3 |
Y^3 coefficient |
b0 |
Intercept |
type |
model |
If x is an RSA object: from which model should the response surface be computed? |
acceleration |
Rates of accelerations along the LOC and LOIC to be inspected (0< |rate| < 1). Passed on internally to |
If FALSE, will also project response over LOC and LOIC. If TRUE, will only project the response surface (faster option). |
n_sample |
Number of random draws to consider to find extrema. This option is used for large samples to increase speed in preliminary analyses, but it is not recommended for published results). Passed on internally to |
xlim |
Limits of the x axis |
ylim |
Limits of the y axis |
zlim |
Limits of the z axis |
xlab |
Label for x axis |
ylab |
Label for y axis |
zlab |
Label for z axis |
main |
the main title of the plot |
surface |
Method for the calculation of the surface z values. "predict" takes the predicted values from the model, "smooth" uses a thin plate smoother (function |
lambda |
lambda parameter for the smoother. Default (NULL) means that it is estimated by the smoother function. Small lambdas around 1 lead to rugged surfaces, big lambdas to very smooth surfaces. |
suppress.surface |
Should the surface be suppressed (only for |
suppress.box |
Should the surrounding box be suppressed (only for |
suppress.grid |
Should the grid lines be suppressed (only for |
suppress.ticklabels |
Should the numbers on the axes be suppressed (only for |
rotation |
Rotation of the 3d surface plot (when type == "3d") |
label.rotation |
Rotation of the axis labls (when type == "3d") |
gridsize |
Number of grid nodes in each dimension |
bw |
Print surface in black and white instead of colors? |
legend |
Print color legend for z values? |
param |
Should the surface parameters a1 to a5 be shown on the plot? In case of a 3d plot a1 to a5 are printed on top of the plot; in case of a contour plot the principal axes are plotted. Surface parameters are not printed for cubic surfaces. |
coefs |
Should the regression coefficients b1 to b5 (b1 to b9 for cubic models) be shown on the plot? (Only for 3d plot) |
axes |
*A vector of strings specifying the axes that should be plotted. Can be any combination of c("LOC", "LOIC","r1_LOC","r2_LOC","r1_LOIC","r2_LOIC","a1_LOC","a2_LOC","a1_LOIC","a2_LOIC"). LOC = line of congruence, LOIC = line of incongruence, r1_LOC = first reversal point on LOC,r2_LOC = second reversal point on LOC,r1_LOIC = first reversal point on LOIC,r2_LOIC = second reversal point on LOIC,a1_LOC = first acceleration point on LOC,a2_LOC = second acceleration point on LOC,a1_LOIC = first acceleration point on LOIC,a2_LOIC = second acceleration point on LOIC. |
axesStyles |
*Define the visual styles of the axes LOC,LOIC,r1_LOC,r2_LOC,r1_LOIC,r2_LOIC,a1_LOC,a2_LOC,a1_LOIC,a2_LOIC. Provide a named list: |
project |
*A vector of graphic elements that should be projected on the floor of the cube. Can include any combination of c("LOC", "LOIC", "contour", "points"). Note that projected elements are plotted in the order given in the vector (first elements are plotted first and overplotted by later elements). |
maxlines |
Should the maximum lines be plotted? (red: maximum X for a given Y, blue: maximum Y for a given X). Works only in type="3d" |
cex.tickLabel |
Font size factor for tick labels |
cex.axesLabel |
Font size factor for axes labels |
cex.main |
Factor for main title size |
points |
A list of parameters which define the appearance of the raw scatter points:
As a shortcut, you can also set |
fit |
Do not change that parameter (internal use only) |
link |
Link function to transform the z axes. Implemented are "identity" (no transformation; default), "probit", and "logit" |
tck |
A vector of three values defining the position of labels to the axes (see ?wireframe) |
distance |
A vector of three values defining the distance of labels to the axes |
border |
Should a thicker border around the surface be plotted? Sometimes this border leaves the surrounding box, which does not look good. In this case the border can be suppressed by setting |
contour |
A list defining the appearance of contour lines (aka. height lines). show=TRUE: Should the contour lines be plotted on the 3d wireframe plot? (Parameter only relevant for |
hull |
Plot a bag plot on the surface (This is a bivariate extension of the boxplot. 50% of points are in the inner bag, 50% in the outer region). See Rousseeuw, Ruts, & Tukey (1999). |
showSP |
Plot the stationary point? (only relevant for |
showSP.CI |
Plot the CI of the stationary point? (only relevant for |
pal |
A palette for shading. |
pal.range |
Should the color range be scaled to the box ( |
pad |
Pad controls the margin around the figure (positive numbers: larger margin, negative numbers: smaller margin) |
claxes.alpha |
Alpha level that is used to determine the axes K1 and K2 that demarcate the regions of significance for the cubic models "CL" and "RRCL" |
demo |
Do not change that parameter (internal use only) |
... |
Additional parameters passed to the plotting function (e.g., sub="Title"). A useful title might be the R squared of the plotted model: |
This function plots the response surface in 3D or 2D. The function was adapted from the function plot.RSA (RSA package), by adding features for new polynomial families (+27 families, +user-specific polynomial) and new curvature probing tests (+accelerations, +LOIC extrema; Núñez-Regueiro & Juhel, 2022, 2024b). When curvatures are found, lines are projected that intersect inflection points (i.e., reversal or acceleration points) along the lines of congruence (x=y; in green) and incongruence (x=-y; in red), following derivatives of response curvatures (Núñez-Regueiro & Juhel, 2024a).
A plot of the response surface
Rousseeuw, P. J., Ruts, I., & Tukey, J. W. (1999). The Bagplot: A Bivariate Boxplot. The American Statistician, 53(4), 382-387. doi:10.1080/00031305.1999.10474494
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2022). Model-Building Strategies in Response Surface Analysis Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2024a). Response Surface Analysis for the Social Sciences I: Identifying Best-Fitting Polynomial Solutions Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2024b). Response Surface Analysis for the Social Sciences II: Combinatory Rationales for Complex Polynomial Models Manuscript submitted for publication.
######PLOT RESPONSE SURFACE OF FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK PLOTsim3D <- plotting.rsa(RSA_step1,model="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK",type="3d", acceleration=c(0,-0.3),points=list(show=TRUE, value="predicted"), legend = FALSE,distance = c(1.2, 1.2, 1.2),cex.tickLabel = 0.6, cex.axesLabel = 0.8,xlim=c(-3,3),ylim=c(-3,3),zlim=c(-3,3),hull=FALSE) PLOTsim3D
######PLOT RESPONSE SURFACE OF FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK PLOTsim3D <- plotting.rsa(RSA_step1,model="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK",type="3d", acceleration=c(0,-0.3),points=list(show=TRUE, value="predicted"), legend = FALSE,distance = c(1.2, 1.2, 1.2),cex.tickLabel = 0.6, cex.axesLabel = 0.8,xlim=c(-3,3),ylim=c(-3,3),zlim=c(-3,3),hull=FALSE) PLOTsim3D
An object of class "RSA" containing estimates of all polynomial families,
obtained by passing the function RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies,
data= sim_NSfit, model= c("CUBIC","STEP1"))
. Used to illustrate functions.
Fernando Núñez-Regueiro [email protected]
Estimates 37 polynomial families ("STEP1") or user-specific polynomial models ("USER") for use in response surface analysis, based on a 3-step identification strategy (Núñez-Regueiro & Juhel, 2022, 2024).
RSAmodel( formula, data = NULL, center = "none", scale = "none", na.rm = FALSE, out.rm = TRUE, breakline = FALSE, models = c("CUBIC", "STEP1"), user_model = NULL, verbose = TRUE, add = "", estimator = "MLR", se = "robust", missing = NA, control.variables = NULL, center.control.variables = FALSE, sampling.weights = NULL, group_name = NULL, cluster = NULL, ... )
RSAmodel( formula, data = NULL, center = "none", scale = "none", na.rm = FALSE, out.rm = TRUE, breakline = FALSE, models = c("CUBIC", "STEP1"), user_model = NULL, verbose = TRUE, add = "", estimator = "MLR", se = "robust", missing = NA, control.variables = NULL, center.control.variables = FALSE, sampling.weights = NULL, group_name = NULL, cluster = NULL, ... )
formula |
A formula in the form |
data |
A data frame with the variables |
center |
Method for centering the predictor variables before the analysis. Default option ("none") applies no centering. "pooled" centers the predictor variables on their pooled sample mean. "variablewise" centers the predictor variables on their respective sample mean. You should think carefully before applying the "variablewise" option, as centering or reducing the predictor variables on common values (e.g., their grand means and SDs) can affect the commensurability of the predictor scales. |
scale |
Method for scaling the predictor variables before the analysis. Default option ("none") applies no scaling. "pooled" scales the predictor variables on their pooled sample SD, which preserves the commensurability of the predictor scales. "variablewise" scales the predictor variables on their respective sample SD. You should think carefully before applying the "variablewise" option, as scaling the predictor variables at different values (e.g., their respective SDs) can affect the commensurability of the predictor scales. |
na.rm |
Remove missings before proceeding? |
out.rm |
Should outliers according to Bollen & Jackman (1980) criteria be excluded from the analyses? In large data sets this analysis is the speed bottleneck. If you are sure that no outliers exist, set this option to FALSE for speed improvements. |
breakline |
Should the breakline in the unconstrained absolute difference model be allowed (the breakline is possible from the model formulation, but empirically rather unrealistic ...). Defaults to |
models |
A vector with names of all models that should be computed. Should be any from |
user_model |
A list of user-specified polynomial models, defined by setting constraints on the polynomial parameters b1 to b9, using lavaan syntax (e.g., "b1 == 2*b2"). Only parametric constraints are allowed. |
verbose |
Should additional information during the computation process be printed? |
add |
Additional syntax that is added to the lavaan model. Can contain, for example, additional constraints, like "p01 == 0; p11 == 0" |
estimator |
Type of estimator that should be used by lavaan. Defaults to "MLR", which provides robust standard errors, a robust scaled test statistic, and can handle missing values. If you want to reproduce standard OLS estimates, use |
se |
Type of standard errors. This parameter gets passed through to the |
missing |
Handling of missing values (this parameter is passed to the |
control.variables |
A string vector with variable names from |
center.control.variables |
Should the control variables be centered before analyses? This can improve interpretability of the intercept, which will then reflect the predicted outcome value at the point (X,Y)=(0,0) when all control variables take their respective average values. |
sampling.weights |
Name of variable containing sampling weights. Needs to be added here (not in ...) to be included in the analysis dataset. |
group_name |
Name of variable defining groups, for multigroup modeling. |
cluster |
Name of variable for clusters, for cluster-level variance correction. |
... |
Additional parameters passed to the |
This function implements a comparative framework for identifying best-fitting RSA solutions (Núñez-Regueiro & Juhel, 2022, 2024). The default feature ("STEP1") involves the comparison of 37 polynomial families predefined by parametric constraints, to identify likely candidates for best-fitting solution. Step 2 involves probing variants within the retained best-fitting family, by testing user-specific constraints ("USER") on lower-order polynomials that do not define the family. Step 3 (optional) can be conducted on the final variant by bootstrapping validation (using bootstrapLavaan(RSA_object$models$name_final, FUN="coef")
, see examples) or cross-validation data.
A list of objects containing polynomials models and names of variables
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2022). Model-Building Strategies in Response Surface Analysis. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2024). Response Surface Analysis for the Social Sciences I: Identifying Best-Fitting Polynomial Solutions. Manuscript submitted for publication.
###Simulation data from RSAtools summary(sim_NSfit) ##### STEP 1: Estimate and compare polynomial families ##NB: to estimate all families, use "STEP1" in the "model" option RSA_step1 <- RSAmodel(engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("CUBIC","FM20_ASYMCONG", "FM21_ASYMINCONG","FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")) names(RSA_step1$models) ##Compare solutions according to parsimony (wAIC=Akaike weight) RSA_step1_fit <- best.rsa(RSA_step1,order=c("wAIC")) head(RSA_step1_fit) ##Inspect best-fitting family model summary(RSA_step1$models$FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK) ##### STEP 2: Test variant within best-fitting family ##Define variant as constraints list_variant <- list() list_variant[["variant1"]] <- c(' ####First-order polynomials: variant-specific b1 == -1/4*b2 ####Second-order polynomials: variant-specific b5 == b3/2 b4 == 0 ####Third-order polynomials: define family FM26 b6 == 0 b7 == 0 b9 == b8/-3 ') RSA_NSfit_Step2 <- RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK","USER"), user_model= list_variant) ##Compare variant to best-fitting family (e.g., LRT_pvalue p > .05) best.rsa2(RSA_NSfit_Step2,m1="variant1",m2="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")[2,1:3] ######PROBE RESPONSE SURFACE EXTREMA: see ident.ext() ######PLOT RESPONSE SURFACE: see plotting.rsa, plotting.ext
###Simulation data from RSAtools summary(sim_NSfit) ##### STEP 1: Estimate and compare polynomial families ##NB: to estimate all families, use "STEP1" in the "model" option RSA_step1 <- RSAmodel(engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("CUBIC","FM20_ASYMCONG", "FM21_ASYMINCONG","FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")) names(RSA_step1$models) ##Compare solutions according to parsimony (wAIC=Akaike weight) RSA_step1_fit <- best.rsa(RSA_step1,order=c("wAIC")) head(RSA_step1_fit) ##Inspect best-fitting family model summary(RSA_step1$models$FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK) ##### STEP 2: Test variant within best-fitting family ##Define variant as constraints list_variant <- list() list_variant[["variant1"]] <- c(' ####First-order polynomials: variant-specific b1 == -1/4*b2 ####Second-order polynomials: variant-specific b5 == b3/2 b4 == 0 ####Third-order polynomials: define family FM26 b6 == 0 b7 == 0 b9 == b8/-3 ') RSA_NSfit_Step2 <- RSAmodel(formula= engagement ~ needs*supplies, data= sim_NSfit, model= c("FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK","USER"), user_model= list_variant) ##Compare variant to best-fitting family (e.g., LRT_pvalue p > .05) best.rsa2(RSA_NSfit_Step2,m1="variant1",m2="FM26_PARALLELASYMWEAK")[2,1:3] ######PROBE RESPONSE SURFACE EXTREMA: see ident.ext() ######PLOT RESPONSE SURFACE: see plotting.rsa, plotting.ext
Estimate any number of predefined or user-specific polynomial models, using auxiliary variables for missing data treatment by full information maximum likelihood (Graham, 2003). Based on the semTools function sem.auxiliary
. Works in the same way as RSAmodel
, only differing by the addition of the auxiliary variable option ("aux" option).
RSAmodel.auxiliary( formula, data = NULL, aux = NULL, center = "none", scale = "none", na.rm = FALSE, out.rm = TRUE, breakline = FALSE, models = c("CUBIC", "STEP1"), user_model = NULL, verbose = TRUE, add = "", estimator = "MLR", se = "robust", missing = NA, control.variables = NULL, center.control.variables = FALSE, sampling.weights = NULL, group_name = NULL, cluster = NULL, ... )
RSAmodel.auxiliary( formula, data = NULL, aux = NULL, center = "none", scale = "none", na.rm = FALSE, out.rm = TRUE, breakline = FALSE, models = c("CUBIC", "STEP1"), user_model = NULL, verbose = TRUE, add = "", estimator = "MLR", se = "robust", missing = NA, control.variables = NULL, center.control.variables = FALSE, sampling.weights = NULL, group_name = NULL, cluster = NULL, ... )
formula |
A formula in the form |
data |
A data frame with the variables |
aux |
center |
Method for centering the predictor variables before the analysis. Default option ("none") applies no centering. "pooled" centers the predictor variables on their pooled sample mean. "variablewise" centers the predictor variables on their respective sample mean. You should think carefully before applying the "variablewise" option, as centering or reducing the predictor variables on common values (e.g., their grand means and SDs) can affect the commensurability of the predictor scales. |
scale |
Method for scaling the predictor variables before the analysis. Default option ("none") applies no scaling. "pooled" scales the predictor variables on their pooled sample SD, which preserves the commensurability of the predictor scales. "variablewise" scales the predictor variables on their respective sample SD. You should think carefully before applying the "variablewise" option, as scaling the predictor variables at different values (e.g., their respective SDs) can affect the commensurability of the predictor scales. |
na.rm |
Remove missings before proceeding? |
out.rm |
Should outliers according to Bollen & Jackman (1980) criteria be excluded from the analyses? In large data sets this analysis is the speed bottleneck. If you are sure that no outliers exist, set this option to FALSE for speed improvements. |
breakline |
Should the breakline in the unconstrained absolute difference model be allowed (the breakline is possible from the model formulation, but empirically rather unrealistic ...). Defaults to |
models |
A vector with names of all models that should be computed. Should be any from |
user_model |
A list of user-specified polynomial models, defined by setting constraints on the polynomial parameters b1 to b9, using the syntax in lavaan, for example: "b1 == 2*b2". Only parametric constraints specifications are allowed. |
verbose |
Should additional information during the computation process be printed? |
add |
Additional syntax that is added to the lavaan model. Can contain, for example, additional constraints, like "p01 == 0; p11 == 0" |
estimator |
Type of estimator that should be used by lavaan. Defaults to "MLR", which provides robust standard errors, a robust scaled test statistic, and can handle missing values. If you want to reproduce standard OLS estimates, use |
se |
Type of standard errors. This parameter gets passed through to the |
missing |
Handling of missing values (this parameter is passed to the |
control.variables |
A string vector with variable names from |
center.control.variables |
Should the control variables be centered before analyses? This can improve interpretability of the intercept, which will then reflect the predicted outcome value at the point (X,Y)=(0,0) when all control variables take their respective average values. |
sampling.weights |
Name of variable containing sampling weights. Needs to be added here (not in ...) to be included in the analysis dataset. |
group_name |
Name of variable defining groups, for multigroup modeling. |
cluster |
Name of variable for clusters, for cluster-level variance correction. |
... |
Additional parameters passed to the |
This function implements a comparative framework for identifying best-fitting RSA solutions (Núñez-Regueiro & Juhel, 2022, 2024). The default feature ("STEP1") involves the comparison of 37 polynomial families predefined by parametric constraints (against 10 families in the RSA package), to identify likely candidates for best-fitting solution. Step 2 involves probing variants within the retained best-fitting family, by testing user-specific constraints ("USER") on lower-order polynomials that do not define the family. Step 3 can be conducted on the final variant by parametric bootstrapping using bootstrapLavaan(RSA_object$models$name_final, FUN="coef")
or cross-validation data.
A list of objects containing polynomials models and names of variables
Graham, J. W. (2003). Adding missing-data-relevant variables to FIML-based structural equation models. Structural Equation Modeling, 10(1), 80-100, DOI:10.1207/S15328007SEM1001_4
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2022). Model-Building Strategies in Response Surface Analysis Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2024). Response Surface Analysis for the Social Sciences I: Identifying Best-Fitting Polynomial Solutions Manuscript submitted for publication.
Simulation data on needs-supplies fit processes in the context of student engagement at school (N= 500). For example, this could relate to needs and supplies in teacher autonomy support (Núñez-Regueiro et al., 2024a, 2024b) or in school environment characteristics (Fraser & Rentoul, 1980). The data was simulated to reflect a parallel asymmetric weak congruence and strong incongruence effect (polynomial family 26; Núñez-Regueiro et al., 2022, 2024c)
Fernando Núñez-Regueiro [email protected]
Fraser, B.J., Rentoul, A.J. (1980). Person-environment fit in open classrooms.The Journal of Educational Research, 73(3), 159-167. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.1980.10885227
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2022). Model-Building Strategies in Response Surface Analysis. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J., Wang, M-T. (2024a). Does Needs Satisfaction Reflect Positive Needs-Supplies Fit or Misfit? A New Look at Autonomy Supportive Contexts Using Cubic Response Surface Analysis. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Santana-Monagas, E., Juhel, J. (2024b). How Needs-Supplies Fit With Teachers, Peers, and Parents Relate to Youth Outcomes Manuscript submitted for publication.
Núñez-Regueiro, F., Juhel, J. (2024c). Response Surface Analysis for the Social Sciences I: Identifying Best-Fitting Polynomial Solutions. Manuscript submitted for publication.